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Videogameheads Headline


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Project Natal will go on sale in November 2010

Project Natal will go on sale in November 2010, Microsoft has announced.
The system allows users to play games controlled by body movements and speech rather than a handheld device.
Visitors to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, also heard that Natal will work on all existing Xbox 360 consoles.
"With Project Natal we are allowing you to have the experience you want with technology that's natural for you," said Microsoft's Robbie Bach.
Natal's body gesturing system relies on cameras, sensors, microphones and software to understand voice commands and capture the motions of a player as they jump, kick or wave.
"We are removing the last barrier to gaming - the controller," said Mr Bach, President of Entertainment and Devices at Microsoft.
Project Natal was first announced at the E3 video games conference in June last year. Since then, Microsoft has been inundated with questions about when it would go on sale.
At the company's keynote presentation at CES, Mr Bach did not say how much Natal would cost or which countries it would launch in.
The audience that packed the Hilton Hotel was also told that in the 10 years since its debut, the Xbox has sold 39 million units and 500m games - generating around $20bn in retail sales.

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