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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gamer catches PS3 thief with remote play

Gamer catches PS3 thief with remote play

You may have missed this story over the holiday period, but a savvy gamer outsmarted a cheeky theif by using the PS3 and PSP’s remote play capabilities, reportedly.

On Wednesday 16th December 2009 PlayStation 3 gamer Psich0m4n claims his apartment was broken into, where 24 PS3 video games, 45 PS2 games, 52 SNES games, all of his consoles and their peripherals (crucially his PSEye camera) were stolen. What the theiving scamp didn’t realise was that psich0m4n had perviously linked his PSP with his PS3, meaning he could remotely control the console via the internet.

Psich0m4n tried every day to see if the thief would be stupid enough to connect the PS3 to the internet, and sure enough:
Quote:On Friday Dec 18th at around 11:30pm I was able to turn on the PS3 from my home by using my PSP [...] I opened a chat room, turned on the camera and sure enough I got to see a close look at the thief’s face (probably looking at it wondering why the PS3 had turned on by itself!) With my digital camera readily available I took a picture of the PSP screen with the thief’s face! Called the police and they quickly recognized the person!

And with that the theif was caught and the gamer had his PS3 and games returned with no damage. So if you want to add extra ensurance to your household insurance, connect your PSP to your PS3 and hope that your theif is an absolute idiot that you can catch in the act.

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