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Friday, January 1, 2010

Dragon Age Rumored to Get "Awakening" Expansion in March

Not just DLC, this full expansion is said to be a full packaged product.

We know that EA and BioWare have a long-term plan for Dragon Age Origins. Even at launch the developer stated that two years worth of of DLC are in the works, and we'll be receiving our first major bit of it next week. But a rumor is circulating today that the plans may be even more ambitious than we realized, with a full packaged expansion planned for March.

Big Download Blog reports on a page from, the Czech gaming site. According to the translated text, the expansion is titled "The Awakening," and will come out on March 19. The suggested price is around 2/3 the price of the original game, which would probably translate to $30-40 U.S. dollars. It's also said to be a full packaged product that would be found in stores, and while only the PC version is mentioned, we expect BioWare would similarly support the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. The original game is reported to be required, and it will raise the level cap while also creating an entirely new, shorter campaign with a new character. The report states that EA will make the announcement official in early January, so we may see it any day now.

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