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Videogameheads Headline


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Snow

 Message me on twitter for links 

New modes for GTA SA! Now we have winter! All in the snow, roads, mountains, winter sky, the snow machines and frost, dress for warmer! Mode does not require the original, added new clothes, cars, weapons, missions, and much more … super easy!


- Automatic installation
- Replaced more than 1700 textures
- 100% of cards in the snow
- Snowfall (press Ctrl [ Num])
- Wetahercontrol (press 1 to change the weather)
- 152 new cars
- 30 new types of clothing
- Icicles
- Handling realistic
- Photo-realistic textures of snow
- Traces during braking
- Xenon and LED lights
- Snow tires
- New high texture interiors
- Additional vegetation
- New wheels and tires
- New Weapons
- New Mission
- Car dealer in “Otto Carsaloon”
- 13 eastereggs
- Start a new game is not required *
- And much more!
- Gaps fashion, too, have (water does not freeze, people dressed in light)
- Effects replaced

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