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Videogameheads Headline


Sunday, January 3, 2010

DJ Hero 2 Confirmed

DJ Hero Bundle with TurntableDJ Hero Bundle with TurntableDJ Hero Bundle with Turntable
DJ Hero one of the ten best video games of 2009, It also won Best Soundtrack at the Spike Video Game Awards 2009. IGN rated the game and gave it a 9/10. Actual real-life DJ David Guetta was quoted recently as saying he's lined up to work on the sequel, which last we heard will probably launch some time near the end of the year.
Originally Posted by DJ Guetta
"I think it's amazing, this game, and I'm going to work on the No. 2 version,"
Originally Posted by Activision
"We're working on our 2010 slate now. You will probably see fewer SKUs from us, but the focus on making the best-selling, most fun to play, best-reviewed games will continue. Those are the things that are constant,"

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