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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Best Buy Caught Ripping Off Computer Buyers

It's best to avoid Best-Buy when buying computers. On some of their sale items, they add a mandatory fee for "computer optimization" which is nothing more than a scam to part you & your money.


One shopper was told that optimization made the computer's processor "200% faster." The same shopper was told that he could try to optimize the computer on his own, but without assistance he would not be able to increase the processor speed.

When the shoppers asked if they could duplicate the optimization themselves, they got a variety of estimates of the time they would save if Best Buy did it for them. One shopper was told she would save "an hour and a half," while another was told that downloading Windows updates alone would take 6 hours. One shopper was even told that optimizing a computer at home would take about two days!

Another shopper was warned that the laptop was "incomplete" without optimization.

When she asked what the salesperson meant by "incomplete," he told her that it didn’t come with anti-virus software or Microsoft Office. The salesperson went on to tell her that optimization was her choice, but that Best Buy didn’t "recommend getting online" without it.

He explained, "You’ll get online, get a virus, and end up spending $200 to clean it up." 

When she asked if she could install anti-virus software herself instead of paying Geek Squad to do it, she was told installing software yourself, "negates the vendor’s warranty."

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