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Saturday, January 9, 2010

First 30 games in the Game Room revealed...

Microsoft recently announced the 'Game Room' for it's Xbox Live and Windows Live users. The first 30 games available consist of games made originally for the Atari 2600, Intellivison and arcade games from Atari and Konami.
These first games will be:
1. Centipede (arcade)
2. Asteroids Deluxe (arcade)
3. Tempest (arcade)
4. Crystal Castles (arcade)
5. Lunar Lander (arcade)
6. Jungler (arcade)
7. Road Fighter (arcade)
8. Scramble (arcade)
9. Finalizer (arcade)
10. Tutankham (arcade)
11. Shao-Lin's Road (arcade)
12. Super Cobra (arcade)
13. Red Baron (arcade)
14. Gravitar (arcade)
15. Battlantlis
16. Astrosmash (Intellivision)
17. Mountain Madness Super Pro Skiing (Intellivision)
18. Armor Battle (Intellivision)
19. Space Hawk (Intellivision)
20. Sub Hunt (Intellivision)
21. Sea Battle (Intellivision)
22. Space Armada (Intellivision)
23. Astrosmash (Intellivision)
24. Star Raiders (Atari 2600)
25. Outlaw (Atari 2600)
26. Yar's Revenge (Atari 2600)
27. Millipede (Atari 2600)
28. Football (Atari 2600)
29. RealSports Tennis (Atari 2600)
30. Combat (Atari 2600)

Just got new GI...Halo Reach

Newest Issue of GI Has in depth info for the next installment of the halo series ,Halo:Reach and some first looks of the ins and outs of the game itself. GI also will be updating the Halo:Reach hub with new info as the days go on...

Bad Company 2 'reaching' Uncharted 2's graphics

Upcoming FPS Battlefield Bad Company 2 is "reaching" the graphical quality set by last year's stunning PS3-exclusive Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, but it will not surpass it, developer DICE had admitted.

Speaking to, producer Gordon Van Dyke said no game can claim to better the graphics seen in Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2.

"I wouldn't make that kind of claim," he said. "Uncharted 2 is an amazing-looking game. But we're reaching that level of quality. It's going to be hard for any game to be able to make a claim that they look better. But we are getting to, I feel, that level, where it's looking very impressive. When you see it - and I've heard other people say it as well, so it's not just me - other people are saying it's getting there."

Uncharted 2, released last year, raised the bar for video game graphics, with incredible animations and detailed environments wowing PS3 owners.

But Van Dyke reckons Bad Company 2, which is our 37th most anticipated game of 2010, will surpass Uncharted 2 in one key area: vistas.

"The thing is though, we have much bigger environments. To even be close, to me is quite an honour as a developer. The one thing I did was, when I looked at their game I was like, damn them! What have they done to the rest of us? I was looking for something where I could say, okay, that we're doing better. I looked at their vistas, and I think that our vistas, because it's in game, this is actual in-game terrain you could theoretically take your soldier and walk up to, our vistas are better. Naughty Dog, if you hear this, I challenge you versus our vistas!"

Seems like Bad Company 2 might s**t on MW2

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Limited EditionBattlefield: Bad Company 2 Limited EditionBattlefield: Bad Company 2 Limited EditionBattlefield: Bad Company 2 Limited Edition

Friday, January 8, 2010

iPhone game Penguin Bounce free for next 2 days

Penguin Bounce is a little known but surprisingly fun iPhone game that was 99 cents in the app store. It is now free for the next couple days.


Appstore Link []

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Will Feature Mii Support

SEGA has revealed on the SEGA America Blog that Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing will allow players to race as their Mii in the Wii edition of the title. Just like the SEGA mainstays, Miis will have a unique "All Star" move that can give straggling racers a helpful boost.
The SEGA-centric racer is being developed by Sumo Digital, makers of the home ports of OutRun 2 and last year's Sega Superstars Tennis. Interestingly, the Wii version of the game is not the only one to get an exclusive feature. Rare's Banjo Kazooie and the Xbox 360's Avatars will appear in the Xbox 360 version of the title.
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is slated to hit store shelves in March for both the Wii and DS.

Modern Warfare 2 DLC Coming

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Exclusivity. Love it or hate, it's a big part of modern day game publishing and according to information released during Microsoft's recent CES keynote, Xbox 360 players will be able to get their hands on Infinity Ward's first round of downloadable content for Modern Warfare 2before PlayStation 3 and PC users sometime this spring.

Xbox Live's very own Major Nelson confirmed this over on his 
official Live blog late last night stating "This Spring, the first Modern Warfare 2 content packs will be available exclusively first on Xbox LIVE."

Back in 
November of last year, IW's man in the spotlight Robert Bowling dropped hints that the DLC would be hitting in the spring, but made no specific mention of any kind of exclusivity deal. We're wondering how much cash Microsoft parted with to make this happen.

Details of the DLC remain locked down tighter than Captain Price's underwear drawer at time of writing.